Mittwoch, 20. August 2008

How a Church of Eugenics could help our peoples to survive in an adverse environment

The ethnic peoples of the West - the White nations - are in gravest danger of extinction. The governments of their own countries are hostile against them now, because they are driven by anti-White sentiment carried by Whites. At some time in the future the remaining Whites will overcome their suicidal tendencies, but by then they will most likely be in the minority, and the governments of their countries will be influenced mostly by the aliens who will, by then, be in the majority. Thus, the government's action will, by then, possibly still be driven by anti-White sentiment, but almost certainly not be supportive to our cause. For this reason we need a strategy to survive as a separate people even in an adverse environment. We need an "evolutionary group strategy", as Kevin B. MacDonald put it, and, in the absence of a government to enforce it for us, we need to try our best to make people adhere to it with whatever punitive measures that are at our disposal.

I am a lifelong atheist, but now I turn to religion for this purpose. I don't mean religion as worship of god, but as a congregation providing guidance and structure in life to normal, ordinary people. Not everybody can be an intellectual and learn how to live according to the group strategy on his own, most are quite occupied making their ends meet. The existing organized religions provide a pattern for congregations of such ordinary people. They make them listen to and contemplate over a sermon, which provides them with guidance on how to live according to the group strategy, and they foster the unity between the people. They are headed by dedicated experts about the subject who teach, train and advise their community. The community can exert social pressure on people disregarding or violating the rules, it can attract them, support them, but also exclude them, when this is deemed necessary.

What about Christianity, the most widespread religion among White people? Obviously Christianity will contradict the aims and means of our Church in many ways. For example, as far as I know, most organized Christianity condemns eugenics. Therefore Christians would either have to give up their Christian religion or neglect parts of it, if they want to be with us. I believe, that in our times, Christianity has outlived its usefulness, particularly in its ethical teachings. [1] However, as White people with a long Christian history and a rich Christian heritage it is natural for us to cherish our heritage.

Our Church would thus have some attributes of a state within a state. The government, with its monopoly on physical violence, has much more powerful measures at its disposal. Therefore, the entirety of one people following the religion, should strive to influence the government, and, when the opportunity arises, take it over. For government affairs different policies are possible and advisable than within our Church. But as long as we have not taken over the government yet, their implementation will be impossible for us. Therefore we will implement our Church policies within our group only, and this will hopefully accomplish our survival.

Of course, the prototype for this Church is the way how the Jews survived about 2000 years of living in the diaspora as a separate people, often under adverse conditions, and thrived during it. The emancipation of the Jews threatened their existence as a separate group through assimilation, but they have withstood this threat for a long time now. In the meantime, their struggle to create a state for their own, dedicated to and dominated by the Jews, was successful. In fact, the whole Zionist movement provides us with plenty of ideas and guidance on how to act.

Our Church could and probably would contain several ethnically distinct peoples, who remain separate but nevertheless pursue a common goal. The dangers we face are all alike and so are the counter-methods to apply and the group strategy to develop, so we can all learn from and support each other. Thus different ethnic groups make up one religious organization of eugenics together, with the purpose to eventually create several, ethnically homogeneous, nation-states. By doing so we not only save ourselves, but make it possible for us to assist other peoples, too, and lead them to an age of peace and well-being for the whole of mankind.

In the following I will outline some elements of our common group strategy. Once again I stress the point that our Church will be open for people of many different ethnic groups, also newly founded groups, but in the following I will explain our group strategy from the point of view of one of these groups. At first I am going to establish who belongs to us and who doesn't. In order to achieve the desired eugenic success, we must pay careful attention to the quality of our breeding stock and in particular about its ethnic belonging. This is in line with the policy of Judaism. We do not seek new entrants to our breeding stock, but in rare cases it will be advisable to accept them. In these cases, rapid miscegenation will have to be required of them in order to prevent the forming of a different and therefore separate and divisive group within the ethnic group.

People, who can't become part of our breeding stock, can still be members. This extends naturally to all descendants of our group, but can extend to sympathizers to our cause, too. Members of our Church are required to scrupulously adhere to our rules, but, as they are human, it would be unrealistic to expect full compliance. But even partial compliance serves our cause much better than no compliance, thus we must take care not to alienate them. We must always take care to attract our people to our cause.

Why would people be attracted to join our Church in the first place? What advantages and benefits do they derive from it? First, there is, of course, the benefit of providing a meaning to one's life. Just wasting one's life in mundane pleasures and then dying out is unsatisfactory to many people. But there is a very concrete economic advantage, too: Mutual assistance and a safety net. The community will support members, who, by no fault of their own, become dependent. Furthermore, there can be mutual help between members in advancing their careers or creating business ties. If the Church succeeds in its aim to create an improved race with superior capabilities, its members are to be expected to be, on average, higher-performing and therefore being able to contribute more financial means to the community. As examples for already existing communities achieving these aims one could cite the fraternities, who serve as networks for career-advancement.

In order for eugenics to improve on a population of a country, two objectives must be achieved: First, the unfit must be stopped from reproducing, second, the fit must be made to reproduce. Our current societies fail in both respects, and without recourse to force - which only the government can do - it will be difficult to achieve these aims. The Church can't stop unfit people from reproducing, because they can always defect and thus escape any punishment. But a community of fit members willing to reproduce can produce an association which to belong to will be beneficial to its members and thus prevent them from defecting and allowing for influencing their behavior with incentives and disincentives. The more capable children the members of a community have together, the more financial means will they contribute to the community's safety net later in their life and the more useful will the community be as a network. The benefit derivable from the community must depend on the reproductive contribution to the community, by the number and performing quality of one's children. The community thus resembles an extended family, which is so large that members can marry far relatives without an increased danger of their children contracting hereditary diseases. be continued

[1] see also: "Christian Ethics - to be or not to be?" by ConservativeSwede

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